Application: Paints for industry.

Application: Fence paints.

Application: Electrostatic spray paints.

Application: Paints for industry.
Application: Fence paints.
Application: Electrostatic spray paints.
Intended for anticorrosive and decorative painting of steel and cast iron surfaces, primarily for gates, gratings, fences, street lanterns, railings, other decorative and usable objects made of forged steel. It is particularly recommended for painting artistic blacksmithing products and renovation of antiques. LOWIGRAF is a topcoat and should be used with a suitable primer. Objects used indoors (in an environment of low corrosive aggressiveness) can be painted with LOWIGRAF paint without priming.
Opakowanie: 5L, 10L Czas wysychania: (1°) - max 3 godzinyW temperaturze 20±2°2C i wilgotności powietrza 55±5%
Wydajność: (40µ) - 11 m²/dm³The coating is: - smooth, matt, - highly decorative, - well adhesive to the substrate, - featuring a specific, metallic appearance, - weather-resistant, - quick-drying. The paint coating, due to its content of anti-corrosion pigments, protects iron alloys by passivating the substrate.
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