Application: Paints for industry.

Application: Roof paints.

Application: Fence paints.

Application: Paints for agricultural machinery.

Application: Paints for industry.
Application: Roof paints.
Application: Fence paints.
Application: Paints for agricultural machinery.
Intended for decorating (patinating) artistic blacksmithing products, metalwork products, items made of steel and cast iron, previously painted with LOWIGRAF or LOWICYN group paints, for decorative elements and for renovation of antiques. ECO-LOWICYN can also be used to paint small metal, wood, plaster, ceramics or stone elements. The paint is applied using a special decorative technique to give the painted items a decorative effect typical for natural patinas.
Opakowanie: 5L, 10L Czas wysychania: (1°) - max 3 godzinyW temperaturze 20±2°2C i wilgotności powietrza 55±5%
Wydajność: (40µ) - 11 m²/dm³The coating is: - smooth, - elastic, - highly decorative, - resistant to abrasion and weather conditions (water, UV), - well adhesive, - fast drying, - featuring durable and lasting colours.
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