Znajdź produkt





Application: Paints for industry.

TIXOKOR-G3 thixotropic polyvinyl anticorrosive zinc priming paint

87,63 zł Netto
PLN107.78 Brutto
Dostępność:   Produkt dostępny
Kolor Aktualnie wybrany - Szara metaliczna Szara metaliczna


Intended for professional anticorrosive protection of steel and cast iron items: machines, equipment, steel structures in general and industrial construction, power engineering structures, bridges, poles, street lanterns, railings, fences, storage tanks, etc. TIXOKOR-G3 shows no dripping from vertical surfaces for wet coatings up to 180 µm thick. TIXOKOR-G3 is used for: substrate priming (as the first layer) to fill the gaps in the zinc coating in order to restore the continuity of protection of steel. It is intended for corrosion protection in combination with polyvinyl and polyvinyl acrylic products manufactured by POLIFARB-ŁÓDŹ Sp. z o.o. TIXOKOR-G3 paint can be applied in industrial, coastal, urban and rural environment, in dry and humid atmosphere, in environments featuring atmospheric corrosivity category C2÷C5-M.

Opakowanie: 5L, 10L Czas wysychania: (1°) - max 3 godziny

W temperaturze 20±2°2C i wilgotności powietrza 55±5%

Wydajność: (40µ) - 11 m²/dm³


The coating is: - smooth, - semi-matt, - hard, - elastic, - well adhesive, - opaque, - resistant to chemical agents (solvents, liquid fuels, oils, water), - resistant to mechanical and corrosive factors, - resistant to temperatures between -20ºC and +60ºC (short term up to +120ºC).
