Application: Paints for industry.

Application: Fence paints.

Application: Paints for industry.
Application: Fence paints.
Intended for thick coat protection against corrosion of steel structures, including galvanised steel structures. FEG-C can be applied in layers up to 250 µm thick. FEG-C can be used with no other paint or in combination with polyvinyl, acrylic-polyvinyl, polyurethane and epoxy topcoats.
Opakowanie: 5L, 10L Czas wysychania: (1°) - max 3 godzinyW temperaturze 20±2°2C i wilgotności powietrza 55±5%
Wydajność: (40µ) - 11 m²/dm³The coating is: - smooth, - semi-matt, - hard, - elastic, - well adhesive, - opaque, - anti-corrosive, - resistant to chemical agents (solvents, liquid fuels, oils, water), - resistant to mechanical agents, - resistant to temperatures between -20ºC and +130ºC.
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