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Application: Paints for industry.

Application: Fence paints.

Application: Paints for agricultural machinery.

Posiada atest higieniczny

LOKMAL all-purpose chlorinated-rubber enamel

0 zł Netto
PLN0.00 Brutto
Dostępność:   Produkt niedostępny
Kolor Aktualnie wybrany - Dark green RAL 6005 Dark green RAL 6005


Intended for indoor and outdoor topcoat painting, other than in a chemically aggressive environment, of: steel and cast iron surfaces of machines, equipment, industrial and construction structures, railings, poles, fences, street lanterns, etc. for protection against corrosion and for decorative purpose as well as wood and wood-based materials for protection against ageing and decorative purpose. LOKMAL enamel seals the anti-corrosion coating, hence it provides protection to paint coated substrate against the destructive effects of the atmosphere and gives the paint coated surface an aesthetic appearance. To be used in combination with a suitable primer paint.

Opakowanie: 5L, 10L Czas wysychania: (1°) - max 3 godziny

W temperaturze 20±2°2C i wilgotności powietrza 55±5%

Wydajność: (40µ) - 11 m²/dm³


The coating is: - smooth, - opaque, - well adhesive, - glossy, matt or semi-matt (depending on the type of enamel), - providing permanent protection against corrosion, - quick-drying, - featuring durable colours, - highly resistant to changing weather conditions (water, UV), - resistant to temperatures between -20ºC and +60ºC (short term between -30ºC and +80ºC).

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